
Online Lecture: "Skaldic Poetry: the Art of Viking Verse" (PT)
The University of Lisbon, Centre for English Studies and the Centre for Classical Studies of the University of Lisbon, through the project "Voices of the Ancient and Medieval World | Lectures on the Medieval North", would like to invite everyone to an open online lecture (in English) by Prof. Inés García López (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain) on the topic "Skaldic Poetry: the Art of Viking Verse". The lecture will take place on March 25, 2025, from 12:30 to 14:00 CET.

Call for Papers: The 14th triennial NORDIK Conference of Art History in the Nordic Countries (FI)
The Nordic Association for Art Historians (NORDIK), together with the University of Helsinki’s Faculty of Arts, Department of Cultures and Art History invites paper proposals for the 14th triennial…

Call for Postdoc Candidates: MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship in Medical Humanities (NO)
The Department of Research and Development at UiT The Arctic University of Norway invite applications from postdoctoral researchers in the field of Medical Humanities. Applications are open until 16…

Call for Papers: Passage #94 "Det brugte landskab"
Det litterære tidsskrift Passage søger artikler til deres næste nummer med temaet "Det brugte landskab". Fristen for indsendelse af abstracts er den 18. februar 2025.

Open Access: Oxford Scandinavian Studies Network Seminar Series for 2025
The Oxford Scandinavian Studies Network has announced the schedule and program for its upcoming online seminars between January and March 2025. All sessions will be held online and are open for all.

Vacancy: Professor of Literature at the University of Southern Denmark (DK)
The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) and the Department of Culture and Language at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invite applications for a fully tenured professorship in the study…

New Publication: Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia's Special Issue: Between Health and Illness
Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia's Special Issue volume 35 "Between Health and Illness" is now available for open access.

Extended Deadline: The 23rd International Strindberg Conference at Lund University (SWE)
The deadline for submission, payment, and registration for the 23rd international Strindberg Conference at Lund University has been extended to February 10, 2025.

Call for Papers: Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies n.8, 2025
The Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies, an international open-access journal, invites scholars and researchers to submit articles for its upcoming eighth issue. Submissions must be sent no…

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Position in 20th and 21st Century Literary History (DK)
The new Center of Excellence TRANSITION – Changing Urban and Rural lives at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Copenhagen, invites applicants for a postdoctoral position in Danish literary…

Litterär afton i Lund: Satsens poesi och platsens samtal om Göran Printz-Påhlson
Lundensiska Litteratursällskapet (LLS) bjuder in till en litterär afton med temat Satsens poesi och platsens samtal om författaren och poeten Göran Printz-Påhlson. Evenemanget äger rum den 25 november…