
Inbjudan till nominering: Einar Hansens Allhemsstiftelse
Einar Hansens Allhemsstiftelse inbjuder till att nominera pristagare till 2025 års pris till Einar Hansens minne. Priset delas ut till den eller dem som i Einar Hansens anda främjat undervisning och forskning i Öresundsregionen. Prissumman är 250 000 kr. Nomineringar skall ha inkommit till styrelsen senast 31 augusti 2025.

Call for Papers: "Performing Magic in the pre-Modern North"
The University of Aberdeen's Centre for Scandinavian Studies and the University of Liverpool's Institute for Irish Studies invites abstract submissions to the fifth "Performing Magic in the pre-Modern…

Vacancy: Spesialbibliotekar ved Universitetet i Tromsø (NO)
Ved Universitetsbiblioteket UiT (UB), campus Tromsø, er det ledig fast heltidsstilling som spesialbibliotekar. Stillingen er for tiden knyttet til Avdeling for samlinger. Søknadsfrist er 14. mars…

Call for Papers: ATdS 2024 Conference at the University of Bonn (DE)
The biennial Scandinavian Studies Conference ATdS 2024 will take place at the University of Bonn from Tuesday, September 24th to Thursday, September 26th, 2024. The Institute for German Studies,…

Vacancy: Visiting Faculty Position in Scandinavian Studies at Augustana College (US)
The Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at Augustana College (Rock Island, IL) invites applicants for a full-time visiting faculty position, beginning August 2024.

New Publication: Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia's Special Issue: New Geographies of Scandinavian Studies
Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia's Special Issue “New Geographies of Scandinavian Studies” is now available for open access.

Call for Papers: Nordic Publishing Perspectives Symposium (BE)
The Scandinavian section of the Department of Literary Studies at Ghent University calls for papers for their Nordic Publishing Perspectives Symposium. The Symposium will take place at Ghent…

Vacancy: Assistant Professor in Swedish linguistics and language proficiency at Ghent University (BE)
Starting from 1 September 2024, a part-time (80%) mandate of (Tenure Track) assistant professor is vacant at Ghent University in the Linguistics department of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, with…

Call for Papers: Dynamics of Belonging: Exploring Home and Homeland in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region (RO)
The Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies calls for papers on "Dynamics of Belonging: Exploring Home and Homeland in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region" for their 15th Annual…

Vacancy: Lecturer in Scandinavian Studies at the University of Edinburgh (SCT)
The Department of European Languages and Cultures, part of the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, invites applications for a full time Lecturer in Scandinavian Studies, with a…

Call for Contributions: Hagiography and Holy Writing in Medieval Iceland and Scandinavia
The Norse Hagiography Network calls for chapter contributions on "Hagiography and Holy Writing in Medieval Iceland and Scandinavia" for their upcoming volume. Deadline for chapter proposals: March…