
Inbjudan till nominering: Einar Hansens Allhemsstiftelse
Einar Hansens Allhemsstiftelse inbjuder till att nominera pristagare till 2025 års pris till Einar Hansens minne. Priset delas ut till den eller dem som i Einar Hansens anda främjat undervisning och forskning i Öresundsregionen. Prissumman är 250 000 kr. Nomineringar skall ha inkommit till styrelsen senast 31 augusti 2025.

Call for papers: "Performing Magic in the pre-Modern North"
The University of Aberdeen invites abstract submissions to the third "Performing Magic in the pre-Modern North" conference, which will take place on campus and online on 9-10 November 2023.

Call for papers: "Aesthetic Expressions of Vocation and Responsibility in Nordic Cultures since 1750"
Members of the research group: “Aesthetics of Protestantism in Scandinavia from the 19th to the 21st Century” announce an international conference in Strasbourg next year (21/03/2024 - 23/03/2024) and…

Vacancy: Full-time research assistant in Scandinavian studies at University of Münster
University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, WWU) is looking for a full-time research assistant at the institut for Scandinavian studies to start from September 1st, 2023 or as…

Doktorandkonferens för skandinaviska studier i München
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München och institutet för nordisk filologi bjuder in till den 18:e doktorandkonferensen för skandinaviska studier i München 01/09/23 - 02/09/23.

Online lecture: Dr Monika Maleszka-Ritchie on "Trade, Exchange, Standardization and Money: The interaction between Slavs, Vikings and Arabs on the early medieval trade routes of the Baltic and Eastern Europe"
The Centre for Nordic and Old English Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Silesia in Katowice announces an online lecture on "Trade, Exchange, Standardization and Money: The…

Vacancy: Two new research fellowships available for 2024 from the Norwegian-American Historical Association
The Norwegian-American Historical Association announces the launch of two new fellowships: Archives Fellowship and Publications Fellowship. Deadline for both of these fellowships: 01-10-2023

Call for papers: Women's Writing Special Issue: Nordic Women and Religious Faith
Routledge Taylor and Francis Group calls for papers for the Women's Writing Special Issue which will examine Nordic women’s writing through the lens of religious faith. Manuscript deadline May first…

New publication: Video recordings from the "Nordic Humour in the World" conference (2022)
First video recordings from the "Nordic Humour in the World" conference (2022) is now available here on CSS and on our Youtube channel

Vacancy: Doctoral research fellowship at the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design in Oslo
A full-time doctoral research fellowship is available at the new National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design in Oslo. Application deadline 15-06-2023

Ledige job: Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge utlyser to faste stillinger som førsteamanuensis / førstelektor / universitetslektor i norsk
Ved Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap, Institutt for språk og litteratur (ISL) er det fra 01-08-23 ledig inntil to faste 100% stillinger som førsteamanuensis / førstelektor /…