
Online Lecture: "Skaldic Poetry: the Art of Viking Verse" (PT)
The University of Lisbon, Centre for English Studies and the Centre for Classical Studies of the University of Lisbon, through the project "Voices of the Ancient and Medieval World | Lectures on the Medieval North", would like to invite everyone to an open online lecture (in English) by Prof. Inés García López (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain) on the topic "Skaldic Poetry: the Art of Viking Verse". The lecture will take place on March 25, 2025, from 12:30 to 14:00 CET.

Call for papers: Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies
The sixth edition of Scandia Journal is currently accepting papers involving any area or field of Norse studies regarding Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavia: History, Literature, Archaeology,…

Seminars:”Generalens son: Hedda Gabler ur ett queerperspektiv”
Henrik Johnsson presenterar ett kapitel ur en kommande Ibsenbok: ”Generalens son: Hedda Gabler ur ett queerperspektiv”, Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lund, sal H205C: Litteraturvetenskapliga…

Call for Papers: 29th International FILLM Congress "Languages, Literatures, and Cultures: Repositioning the Past, Innovating the Present"
The Federation Internationale des Langues et Littératures Modernes (FILLM), in collaboration with the School of Languages, University of Ghana, invites proposals for individual papers and roundtable…

Vacancy: PhD Research Fellowship in Nordic Literature and Nordic Linguistics at Bergen University, NO
The Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies (LLE) invites applications for a PhD position connected to Nordic Literature as well as Nordic Linguistics at commencing 01-09-2023, or as…

Vacancy: A position as Centre Director is available at the Centre for Ibsen Studies, NO
The Centre for Ibsen Studies at Oslo University has just advertised a four-year limited term position with the possibility of renewal for an additional four years. Application deadline 28-03-2023.

Svenska institutet utlyser lediga svensklärartjänster i utlandet
Svenska institutet utlyser sju lediga lärartjänster i svenska språket och litteraturen vid universitet i utlandet. Tjänsterna gäller läsåret 2023/2024. Sista ansökningsdag är den 15 mars.

Ledig tjänst: Universitetslektor i norska och norsk litteratur, Helsingfors, FIN
Helsingfors universitets humanistiska fakultet söker en universitetslektor i norsk och norsk litteratur för en tillsvidareanställning fr.o.m. 01-08-2023. Sista ansökningsdag: 29-03-2023.

Vacancy: Swedish Language Lecturer, University of Minnesota, US
The Department of German, Nordic, Slavic & Dutch is looking for a lecturer and/or teaching specialist to teach and lead the Swedish program, teaching mostly lower-division language skills courses, in…

New Publication: Old Norse-Icelandic Philology and National Identity in the Long Nineteenth Century
This 28th volume of the National Cultivation of Culture delves into the vital role that medieval manuscripts have played in the self-image of the Icelandic nation.

Call for Papers: Studia Scandinavica on Scandinavian linguistics, literature, history and culture
The yearly academic journal published by the Institute for Scandinavian Studies at the University of Gdansk invites both papers and book reviews for their next issue.