Ester Jiresch

Lördag (Saturday), 10:00–10:30, H135a

Affiliering (affiliation): University of Groningen, NLD


Humor and feminist activism in literature and (social) media
A comparison of two contemporary actors: Liv Strömquist and Bianca Kronlöf

Liv Strömquist is a Swedish cartoonist and podcaster who is known for her feminist satires in form of graphic novels (Inside the Mirror Hall 2021; Einteins nya fru 2018), in which she articulates humor and biting feminist criticism with historical, philosophical and sociological theories. Bianca Kronlöf is a Swedish actress (Deg 2021) and comedian (Full patte 2017) who recently debuted as a writer with a feminist manifesto against men's violence (Brev till mannen 2021). Even though this work functions as a contribution to societal debate, it also clearly exhibits traces of Kronlöf's humor, which points out gender inequalities. Both women are very active on social media, such as Instagram and podcasts.

In this paper, I will examine the specifically feminist perspective in their humor, but also how they use social media to promote their (feminist) goals. I will aim to answer the question of whether humor is an adequate means for feminist activism. In recent years, feminist theory has started to pay attention to humor as a relevant cultural factor in the dissemination and reception of feminist discourses (Fahs 2019; Klein 2015; Bing & Scheibman 2015; Kotthoff 2006; Bing 2004).

While these recent studies are acknowledging the importance of feminist humor in jokes, stand-up and literary works, there have not been many studies on graphic novels (Nordenstam 2020; Lindberg 2014) or social media use yet. Furthermore, most of these studies focus on the Anglosaxon region, whereas I scrutinize Swedish actors. By paying special attention to lesser researched media as graphic novels and social media, as well as the combination of different cultural practices by the activists, I will show how these constitute a rich medium for ambiguous articulations of humor as multi-layered cultural expression and simultaneously an excellent vehicle for feminist ideas. I will furthermore argue that the combination of traditional and new media adds strength to their message and opens up new ways for the dissemination of ideas, which adds a new dimension to existing scholarship.

Om (about):


  • PhD: "Im Netzwerk der Kulturvermittlung. Sechs Autorinnen und ihre Bedeutung für die Verbreitung skandinavischer Literatur und Kultur in West- und Mittel- europa um 1900." Instituut voor Cultuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (ICOG) University of Groningen (2013)
  • Studeis: M. A. Scandinavian studies and History University of Vienna (2004) University of Stockholm (1998-1999)


  • 2015-date: Assistant professor, European languages and cultures (Swedish), University of Groningen



  • 2013 Im Netzwerk der Kulturvermittlung. Sechs Autorinnen und ihre Bedeutung für die Verbreitung skandinavischer Literatur und Kultur in West- und Mitteleuropa um 1900. Groningen 2013: Barkhuis.
  • 2004 Die Österreichisch-schwedische Gesellschaft. Ihre Geschichte, ideologische Hintergründe und kulturelle Konstruktion. (=Wechselbeziehungen Österreich – Norden Vol 6) Wien 2004: Edition Praesens.

Articles (peer-reviewed):

  • 2021 "Margaretha Meyboom, 1856-1927." (20.10.2021). Vertalerslexicon voor het Nederlandstalig Gebied:
  • 2019 Jiresch, Ester and Vincent Boswijk: "Contemporary reception of Eddic themes in the New Media – virtual "Nordic" identities. Case study: Dark Age of Camelot." TijdSchrift voor Skandinavistiek, Vol 37, Nr. 1 (2019):
  • 2015 "Strindberg's misogyny revisited. The author and his female translators." Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek. Special Issue: Strindberg in Transition (34: 1 /2014-15), pp.19-30.
  • 2006 Broomans, Petra and Ester Jiresch: "Philippine Wijsman. Een selfmade vertaalster." Filter. Tijdschrift over vertalen 13(2006) Nr. 3, pp. 31-41.

Editorial work and peer-reviews:

  • 2018 Petra Broomans, Ester Jiresch, Janke Klok, Anja Schüppert (eds.). Transit – 'Norden' och 'Europa'. IASS XXXI 2016, Barkhuis Publishing, Groningen, 2018, pp. 405. see Also published as open access publication:
  • 2016/2017 Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek (35: 1+2 /2016-17).
  • 2014 Broomans, P., Jensma, G., Jiresch, Ester et al. (eds.). Cultural Transfer and Minor Language Areas. Literary Fields: Battles and Borders. Groningen 2014: Barkhuis.
  • 2014/2015 Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek. Special Issue: Strindberg in Transition (34: 1 /2014-15).
  • 2015 Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek. (34: 2 /2014-15).
  • 2012/2013 Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek. Special Issue: Echoes from Nordic Translations (33: 1/2012-13).
  • 2011 Broomans, Petra and Ester Jiresch (eds.): The Invasion of Books in Peripheral Literary Fields. Transmitting Preferences and Images in Media, Networks and Translation (=Vol 3 Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission CTaT) Groningen 2011: Barkhuis.


  • 2018 Petra Broomans, Ester Jiresch, Janke Klok, Anja Schüppert. "Förord". In: Petra Broomans, Ester Jiresch, Janke Klok, Anja Schüppert (eds.), Transit – 'Norden' och 'Europa'. IASS XXXI 2016, Barkhuis Publishing, Groningen, 2018, pp. 5-15.
  • 2010
    • "Marie-Elisabeth Belpaire and Dina Logeman-Van der Willigen: Two Cultural Transmitters in Flanders – in the same Literary Field?" In: Broomans, Petra and Marta Ronne (eds.): In the Vanguard of Cultural Transfer. Cultural Transmitters and Authors in Peripheral Literary Fields. (=Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission 2) Groningen 2010: Barkhuis, pp. 33-54.
    • "Dien Logeman-Van der Willigen och Marie Herzfeld." In: Ljung, Per Erik (red.): Transformationer. Valda texter från International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) 28:e konferens i Lund 2010 (=CSS Acta Series I). Lund: Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen-Lund (CSS), pp. 217-230.
  • 2009 "Margaretha Meyboom – 'cultural transmitter', feminist or socialist?" In: Broomans, Petra (ed.): From Darwin to Weil. Women as transmitters of ideas. (=Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission 1) Groningen 2009: Barkhuis, pp. 101-119.
  • 2008 "The problem of demarcation in the investigation of literary networks. Margaretha Meyboom as a cultural 'border crosser'." In: Zilliacus, Clas (ed.): Gränser i nordisk litteratur. Borders in Nordic Literature. IASS XXVI 2006. Åbo Akademi 2008, pp. 727-735.


  • 2008
    • "A masterpiece drowned in criminal marsh. Ernst Brunner's latest work." Scandinavian Newsletter. A Literary and Cultural Magazine (2008) Nr. 12, pp. 49-50.
    • Jiresch, Ester and Rika Lesser: "Lost translations." Scandinavian Newsletter. A Literary and Cultural Magazine (2008) Nr. 12, pp. 26-27.
    • "Postwar Austria through Swedish eyes." Scandinavian Newsletter. A Literary and Cultural Magazine (2008) Nr. 12, pp. 32-33.
    • "Alva Myrdal from two different perspectives." Scandinavian Newsletter. A Literary and Cultural Magazine (2008) Nr. 12, pp. 40-41.
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