CSS Conference 2022 (English)

August 24-27, Lund and Copenhagen


Theme: Nordic humour in the world

A warm welcome to Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen-Lund-Hankuk (CSS) third biennial international conference in Scandinavian Studies! This year's conference takes place both in Lund and in Copenhagen and in collaboration with the Frederiksberg Museums museum of Humor and Satire - STORM.

CSS, now the Center for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen–Lund-Hankuk, is an international research centre in the research field Scandinavian Studies. We work to create international collaborations and common forums for everyone who researches Nordic languages ​​and Nordic culture. Above all, we strive to form a continuous link between the Nordic countries' national research environments and the rich flora of non-Nordic institutions and organizations that conduct research on the Nordic region and are established all over the world. Since the fall of 2021, we have also initiated a close collaboration with the Department of Scandinavian Languages ​​and Literature at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), located in Seoul, to strengthen the contact with researchers in this part of the world.

Postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our third major international conference in Scandinavian Studies is now taking place over four late summer days in 2022, starting after lunch on Wednesday 24 August and ending in the afternoon on Saturday 27 August.

As in previous instances, the Centre for Languages and Literature (SOL) at Lund University is the main arena for the conference's activities, but this year we will also  spend an afternoon, on Friday, in Copenhagen. This will be an event in collaboration with the museum Frederiksbergmuseerne´s department for Danish humour and satire - STORM. More information about this will be presented in due course.

Theme and Keynote Speakers

This year's overall theme is Nordic humour in the world, an under-explored field that we expect will stimulate new and creative perspectives on Nordic cultures and languages. You can read more about our thoughts on the theme and about our suggestions for session topics via the heading "Theme" in the left menu.

Under the heading "Keynotes and special guests" you find information about our Keynote speakers and special events. This list will be updated gradually.


You register for the conference by paying the conference fee.Information on how to do it, and about the optional conference dinner, can be found here: https://www.css.lu.se/css-conference-2022/anmalan/

The deadline for submitting proposals for paper to present has passed, but it is possible to participate in the conference only as audience.

If you have any questions, you are very welcome to contact us at iwcss.administratorssol.luse.

Varmt välkommen till Öresund önskar CSS!




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