Vacancy: Two Doctoral Research Fellowships in nineteenth-century Norwegian literature

Two full-time Doctoral Research Fellowships in nineteenth-century Norwegian literature are available at the Centre for Ibsen Studies, University of Oslo. Apply before 01/09/2023.
These PhD fellowships are part of the European Research Council-funded project “Norwegian Romantic Nationalisms” (NORN), led by Ellen Rees. NORN seeks to interrogate literary historical accounts of nineteenth-century Norwegian literature, and a main hypothesis is that Norwegian literary historiography is in itself a national romantic project.
This PhD fellows will be attached to work package two within the project, “Literary History as Romantic Nationalism,” and will have either project leader Ellen Rees or project partner Aasta Marie Bjorvand Bjørkøy as their main supervisor. The successful candidates’ dissertation projects should contribute to the larger aims of NORN by exploring relevant research questions connected to especially interesting case studies.
Because these positions are part of a larger project, it is important that applicants develop project proposals that are in line with NORN’s overarching goals, and applicants are encouraged to contact the project leader with any questions: ellen.reesibsen.uiono
Read more about the positions, qualification requirements and how to apply here: link