The symposium aims to open new routes for vibrant interdisciplinary exchange and reconfigure the boundaries of world literature and translation studies, and invites papers on topics such as:
- world literary phenomena that reconfigure binary categorizations like center/periphery, author/translator, or target/source culture
- gender and gendered identities in translation
- untranslatability and designations of the untranslatable
- sexuality, gender and race in world literature
- the boundaries between postcolonial studies and world literary studies
- minor modes of agency in the world literary sphere
- figurations of politics and poetics in world literature and translation
- patterns and effects of transgression in translational acts
- trans-functions in theories of translation
- case studies on LGBTQ authors, translators and critics from world literary, cross-cultural or postcolonial perspectives
- sexuality and gender in sociologies of translation
The conference will be held at the Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University, on 22–23 September 2022, and the Call for Papers is open until March 31st. Read more here.